Jack Knife Wagons

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…wagons and revolves often come into play. There is a really useful hybrid of wagon and revolve called a “jack knife wagon.” A jack knife wagon is typically pinned to…

Puppets Red III

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  Puppets Red III was a continuation of a series of projects produced by Alban Elved Dance Company under Karola Lüttringhaus. T-Werk (T-Factory) is a performing arts center in Potsdam, Germany….

Mail to the Chief

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…jump forward for a community children’s theate company in that it featured constant projections throughout the show using computers and data projectors with computer generated video animations.    The design used…

Inspecting Carol

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The show is about a midwestern regional theatre company that is falling apart financially.   They rely on their annual production of A Christmas Carol as their cash cow.   This year, their NEA funding has…