Totally fetch.
Rental media is available quickly after payment is complete. This allows you to make choices in your staging and other scenery in response to what the media can do. Please provide the dates of the production and the name of the presenting institution. The standard agreement assumes the show will be presented with audience for no more than three weeks in one venue. You may rehearse with media for longer if you like. For most media, you are welcome to edit or rearrange things to suit your needs. There are often elements that can be added or rearranged by your choice. Instructions and cuing guides are included.
This media includes fifty-eight projection cues. The media is ready to use with PowerPoint, and is also delivered as sequentially numbered video clips for playback using other systems. Mean Girls requires over thirty different settings, and ideally these settings shift around in a way that is fast and fun. This media does exactly that.
The media supports problematic scenes like the social-media blitz after Regina’s wardrobe malfunction at the talent. There is no need for closeup-pictures of any student’s clothing or body. The media provides a fun, simple solution for the accident with the bus and includes dynamic animations for things like World Burn and the mathlete competition.
The media includes some alternate slides as well for schools that need strictly G-Rated content. This means “UGLY COW” instead of “FUGLY COW,” and the ommission of some of the harsher slurs like “skank.”

Doing the Junior version? Click here to see the Junior Version cue list!
Cue | Page | Reference | Setting |
1 | 1 | Click to bring in the “Welcome Freshmen” sign, top of show. | Auditorium |
5 | 8 | The BELL RINGS and all the students rotate their chairs a quarter turn. Ms. Norbury is replaced by a distracted old TEACHER | Classroom 2 |
6 | 8 | CADY gets up. The BELL RINGS. The chairs rotate a quarter TURN. A grouchy FRENCH TEACHER pops up. | Classroom French |
7 | 9 | The BELL RINGS. TURN. Health Class. | Classroom Health Class |
8 | 10 | SCENE 3 : INT. BATHROOM – A LITTLE LATER (it is assumed there will be a physical stall onstage for Cady) | Bathroom |
9 | 13 | Let’s take a walk around the cafeteria, shall we? | Cafeteria |
10 | 17 | Meet the Plastics. Big entrance for Mean Girls’ table. Pink smoke in the dark. | Cafeteria – Pink Smoke |
11 | 19 | Restore cafeteria after Karen’s introduction song: “I may not be smart …! That’s it.” | Cafeteria |
12 | 24 | SCENE 4: INT. MS. NORBURY’S CLASSROOM – THE NEXT DAY | Classroom |
13 | 29 | SCENE 5: INT. CAFETERIA – DAY | Cafeteria |
14 | 32 | INT. MALL – AFTERNOON | Mall |
15 | 35 | Scene 6 INT. REGINA’S HOUSE – A LITTLE LATER (bedroom) | Regina’s Room |
16 | 41 | SCENE 7: EXT. SCHOOL – THE NEXT DAY | School Exterior |
17 | 42 | SCENE 8: INT. CALCULUS CLASS – A MONTH LATER -DAY | Classroom |
18 | 45 | SCENE 9: INT. – STAGE / #9 Sexy (Karen singing about Halloween and World Peace) | Halloween Party PRE |
19 | 48 | As Cady enters in her homemade Halloween costume. Into Halloween party with music shift | Halloween Party |
20 | 53 | SCENE 10: INT. JANIS’ BASEMENT – A LITTLE LATER | Basement |
21 | 57 | INT. LUNCH TABLE | Cafeteria |
22 | 58 | INT. – SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY | Hallways |
23 | 61 | SCENE 11: EXT. SCHOOL – DAY | School Exterior |
24 | 63 | SCENE 12: INT. REGINA’S ROOM – EVENING | Regina’s Room |
25 | 64 | Transformers (Curtains close, no Talent Show sign yet) | Talent Show |
26 | 65 | INT. AUDITORIUM – EVENING Add banner that reads “Winter Talent Show”. | Talent Show |
27 | 65 | Rockin’ Around the Pole – A winter-themed drop flies in | Talent Show |
28 | 66 | “LED screens fill with posts and memes of Regina’s exposed butt.” NOTE: The memes included allow this moment to work without any actual photos of the performer playing Regina if you wish. | Social Media |
29 | 67 | INT. CAFETERIA – MONDAY MORNING | Cafeteria |
30 | 72 | END OF ACT ONE. | Intermission |
31 | 73 | ACT TWO INT. NORTH SHORE HIGH STAGE | Auditorium |
32 | 73 | INT. ART STUDIO | |
33 | 78 | INT. HALLWAY | Hallway |
34 | 81 | INT. YO-FRO – LATER | Frozen Yogurt |
34 | 82 | Cady pivots, light shift, she is now talking to her parents. | Cady’s House |
35 | 82 | Cady pivots, strides up to Aaron with Gretchen in tow. | Restore Frozen Yogurt |
36 | 84 | INT. REGINA’S ROOM – FRIDAY NIGHT | Regina’s Room |
37 | 86 | Mrs. George exits. Cady enters in her party look. | Cady’s House |
38 | 91 | INT. CADY’S BEDROOM | Cady’s Bedroom |
39 | 96 | EXT. CADY’S HOUSE – MOMENTS LATER (outside) | Outside Cady’s House |
40 | 98 | REGINA UPSTAGE, BACKLIT (Top of World Burn when instrumental music begins) | Burn Book Images |
41 | 99 | As Regina sings: “How ya like me NOW?” (on NOW) | Photcopier effect |
43 | 100 | As music resumes for CADY, TIME TO WATCH YOUR BACK | Doodles, Flames, Effects |
The effects above will return to the hallways on their own. | Hallways | ||
44 | 102 | INT. GYMNASIUM – CONTINUOUS | Gymnasium |
45 | 107 | EXT. SCHOOL – CONTINUOUS | School Exterior |
46 | 108 | Regina is hit by a bus. This cue has audio included. | Bus |
47 | 108 | Damian: “And of course social media started going insane.” | Social Media |
48 | 109 | INT. GYM CLASS – THE NEXT DAY | Gymnasium |
49 | 111 | INT. CALCULUS CLASS – THE NEXT DAY | Classroom |
50 | 115 | Welcome to the ICMT State final | Math Competition |
51 | 115 | “PLEASE SOLVE FOR …” (Equations and effects loop rapidly on the screen.) | Effects |
52 | 116 | CADY: FOUR IS THE SLOPE OF THE TANGENT LINE. A water break. | Effects stop |
53 | 117 | Equation appears on the screen. | Equation on screen. |
54 | 118 | “Our new state champions, the North Shore Mathletes!” [GO] | Glitter confetti. |
55 | 120 | INT. GIRLS’ BATHROOM – CONTINUOUS | Bathroom |
56 | 121 | INT. GYMNASIUM – NIGHT – CONTINUOUS – Dance, crowning ceremony, speech | Gymnasium / Dance |
57 | 125 | All singing I SEE STARS | Glitter confetti. |
58 | 126 | End of show | Drapes Close, Show logo |
Please use the video below to browse the scenes if you wish.
Current Royalty Flat Fee: $600.00 Request Invoice for Media
“MEAN GIRLS” is a federally registered service mark (reg. no. 5,438,533) owned by Paramount Pictures Corporation. Paramount Pictures Corporation does not endorse or sponsor Matt Kizer Design, LLC, Matt Kizer, or the scenic projections for “Mean Girls” developed thereby and advertised above.