Rental media is available quickly after payment is complete. This allows you to make choices in your staging and other scenery in response to what the media can do. Please provide the dates of the production and the name of the presenting institution. The standard agreement assumes the show will be presented with audience for no more than three weeks in one venue. You may rehearse with media for longer if you like. For most media, you are welcome to edit or rearrange things to suit your needs. There are often elements that can be added or rearranged by your choice. Instructions and cuing guides are included.
This media was originally created for a national tour in 2014. It is not specific to one script, and has been used by other companies presenting this story. The sequence of settings matches the sequence for most productions telling this story. There are still-images and supplemental clips included that allow for changes in the sequence and the addition of extra settings. The media can work with minimal extra scenery added, though it works well with wagons, doors, extra walls, and other elements if those are appropriate for your production.
The media includes an entrance of Christmas Past through the windows. A star comes down and settles brightly behind the glass. If the projection surface includes panels that can open or perhaps are simply projected on white drapes with a split, then it is easy for Past to enter using this effect. Christmas Present has a magical entrance that involves the fireplace. A burst of fog or a break in the projection surface there allows Present to enter.
Media transitions are dynamic. The animation supports Christmas Present spinning in some manner while preparing to travel. Christmas Present can thump the floor with a heavy staff, causing the strong vertical animation included with those travelling moments.
The media includes an optional overlay of Victorian buildings. This creates the signature style of this media, but the overlay is easily removed if desired.

The images above have been edited slightly to more accurately represent the available media.

“While watching this production it is easy to forget that one is sitting in the audience of a theatre in Carlisle, PA. From the moment one enters the auditorium, this unique experience begins as the audience is greeted by Christmas songs-not Christmas songs one would likely hear on the radio, but haunting arrangements that take the familiar into the realm of the unfamiliar and set the mood perfectly for this holiday ghost story. One of the most amazing aspects of this production is the way the projections, fog, and lighting are created and work together. This reviewer has never seen projections designed so well-taking the audience from a busy street in town to Scrooge’s place of business to flying through space and time with the spirits, the projections are flawless and, with the help of carefully designed lighting and use of fog, it doesn’t even seem like a projection at all.”
Review: A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Players On High At The Carlisle Theatre. Broadway World. 2021.
Current Royalty Flat Fee: $600.00 Request Invoice for Media