This set was designed for pacing. A Victorian London skyline stands across the cyclorama in silhouette. In front of it is a constantly shifting collage of buildings that revolve, track, and shift to varying degrees of transparency. Most of the buildings on the set were covered with black scrim painted with a worn brick texture, allowing them to instantly reveal or conceal any performer, or allow ghostly transitions, tableaus, and expressive movement. The stage-left building, which included the pie shop and the barbershop above, revolved, sometimes even as performers climbed the stairs around the outside of it. A raised level all across the back allowed broad composition behind the scrims, as well as allowing discrete entrances below. Right-center, another revolve shifted a ramp and a lamppost, as well as bringing on other large items. Stage right is the house of the judge and Joanna, which jack-knifed to allow the interior or the balcony to be played.