Below is documentation of the set design for this show. If you are here specifically looking for the scenic projections, the rentable media can be viewed at this link.

This design for The Wedding Singer draws heavily from my earlier design at Jean’s Playhouse.    The basic functionality and look of the set is the same.

The projection installation is more sophisticated this time around, allowing a bigger background, with different proportions.    There was much more animation involved this time, especially in scenes relating to the Delorean, and the Las Vegas Strip.

Catching the Bouquet
Catching the Bouquet

This media is available for rent.

Catching the Bouquet
Catching the Bouquet
Robbie being stood up at his wedding
Robbie being stood up
Bar Mitzvah
Bar Mitzvah
Shopping for a Wedding Dress
Shopping for a Wedding Dress
Holly's Bedroom
Holly’s Bedroom
Saturday Night in the City
Saturday Night in the City
All About the Green
All About the Green
Split Setting
Split Setting
Robbie's Basement Apartment
Robbie’s Basement Apartment
Plane Ride to Vegas
Plane Ride to Vegas
Fake Billy Idol
Fake Billy Idol in Vegas
Impersonators in Vegas
Impersonators in Vegas

PSU - The Wedding Singer


Drafting in HTML Format (Clickable):

Below:  Front of House View (animation), with notations

Below:  Renderings for 29 settings:

Opening Number:"It's Your Wedding Day" - Robbie and Company Reception Hall
Opening Number:”It’s Your Wedding Day” – Robbie and Company Reception Hall

After hours, same reception hall. "Someday" - Julia and Company
After hours, same reception hall. “Someday” – Julia and Company

Robbie's basement bedroom.
Robbie’s basement bedroom.

Robbie and Linda's wedding. "A Note From Linda"
Robbie and Linda’s wedding. “A Note From Linda”

The Women's bathroom
The Women’s bathroom

The restaurant: steadily moving skyline outside (rotating restaurant)
The restaurant: steadily moving skyline outside (rotating restaurant)

Reception Hall: "Casualty of Love" - Robbie, Losers and Company
Reception Hall: “Casualty of Love” – Robbie, Losers and Company

Loading dock behind reception hall: "Come Out of the Dumpster" - Julia and Robbie
Loading dock behind reception hall: “Come Out of the Dumpster” – Julia and Robbie

Bar Mitzvah: "Today You Are a Man" - Sammy, George, and Robbie
Bar Mitzvah: “Today You Are a Man” – Sammy, George, and Robbie

Department store: Housewares
Department store: Housewares

Department store: Bridal Salon
Department store: Bridal Salon

Holly's room, top of "Saturday Night in the City"
Holly’s room, top of “Saturday Night in the City”

Club: "Saturday Night in the City"
Club: “Saturday Night in the City”

Delorean sequence: "Saturday Night in the City"
Delorean sequence: “Saturday Night in the City”

Glen's office: "All About the Green" - Glen, Robbie and Suits
Glen’s office: “All About the Green” – Glen, Robbie and Suits

Reception hall, after hours.
Reception hall, after hours.

Rosie's front stoop.
Rosie’s front stoop.

A bar.
A bar.

Julia's bedroom
Julia’s bedroom

Julia's house, as seen by Robbie from street.
Julia’s house, as seen by Robbie from street.

Julia and Robbie, both settings superimposed.
Julia and Robbie, both settings superimposed.

Robbie's bedroom, showing a temporary view of the side-entrance of the house.
Robbie’s bedroom, showing a temporary view of the side-entrance of the house.

Rosie's anniversary party
Rosie’s anniversary party

Crossfade to airplane from reception hall.
Crossfade to airplane from reception hall.

Airport ticket counter.
Airport ticket counter.

Las Vegas Strip - First view of it
Las Vegas Strip – First view of it

Las Vegas Strip - Billy Idol Impersonator
Las Vegas Strip – Billy Idol Impersonator

Las Vegas Strip - Ronald Reagan Impersonator
Las Vegas Strip – Ronald Reagan Impersonator

Robbie and Julia's Reception (Finale)
Robbie and Julia’s Reception (Finale)