The lighting design project is a PowerPoint file with sixteen slides. Each slide contains instructions. Edit the PowerPoint file according to the instructions. The final slide explains how to send it back to me. It is due on Wednesday, April 13.
You can download the PowerPoint file from this link:
Lighting Design Project PowerPoint File
You can edit it with Google Slides. I cannot say if that is as easy as downloading it and editing it with PowerPoint. Please take the time to figure out what will work best for you.
I have also posted it on Moodle, and I have emailed it to each of you.
Some of the aspiring lighting designers in the class asked about including magic sheets and content using external software and sources. You may certainly use other programs to generate content if you wish to and if it is fun for you. Do not make this more complicated than it is unless you have fun doing so.

The lightlabs have links embedded in the PowerPoint file.
They are also here: