Rental media is available quickly after payment is complete. This allows you to make choices in your staging and other scenery in response to what the media can do. Please provide the dates of the production and the name of the presenting institution. The standard agreement assumes the show will be presented with audience for no more than three weeks in one venue. You may rehearse with media for longer if you like. For most media, you are welcome to edit or rearrange things to suit your needs. There are often elements that can be added or rearranged by your choice. Instructions and cuing guides are included.
- This media is delivered as a PowerPoint file ready to go.
- Subfolders of media for people who want to arrange it in QLab or other players can be arranged.
- Video cues are labelled in the media.
- Media will run on both Windows or Mac operating systems.
- Instructions on how to best integrate with scenery and some options within the media are included.
The photos below show a production that included a set of shaped arches in the set design. These framed the projections. These arches are not included in the projection media, allowing that media to fill the cyclorama or screen more completely.

Current Royalty Flat Fee: $600.00 Request Invoice for Media
This content was originally created for a production mounted in Plymouth, New Hampshire in January of 2019. Disney Enterprises, Inc. does not endorse or sponsor Matt Kizer Design, LLC, Matt Kizer, or the scenic projections for “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” developed thereby and advertised above.