This light lab emulates the experience of building cues on a lighting console. It combines the experiential lessons from the other light labs on this site, and then raises the bar. In addition to a huge range of controls, the lab allows cues to be recorded and delivered by email to multiple recipients or alternately, simple built-in image capture for all of the lighting in a given cue.

arranged in washes. Individual
channels are placed like they
would be on a magic sheet.
- The exploration of this lab promotes literacy in the creation of lighting cues and in applying light to a stage.
- There are a total of forty-seven different channels controlling lights that are focused on this virtual stage.
- Each channel has complete RGB mixing control, with any color, saturation, or brightness.
- Click on a channel, or click on the group label of a channel. Then click “edit channels.”
- Build cues, then click the “record” button. This opens a simple interface for setting timings and notes, reviewing cues, and delivery.

The controls are all labelled with text as well as simple, easy to understand icons.

Deliver them through email with an HTML based player.