VQ Pg Act/Sc What happens Cue for Go Information File Choices Thumbnail
v1 p1 Setup Screen outlines During setup   
Ensure that horizontal elements line up across all screens and projectors.
v2 p1 Preshow Static buildings Before House Opens The buildings should line up with the individual screen panels.
v3 p1 Act 1/
Sc 1
Buildings pan gently As Narrator speaks, top of show. The row of buildings pans off SR as six new building faces pan into view. 000 Preshow into London Street.mp4
v4 p2 Scene 2 Scrooge's office Top of Scene 2, top of page 2. Buildings pan off  SL to the exterior of Scrooge's office. 001 London Street to Outside of Scrooges Firm.mp4
v5 p3 Scene 3 Interior of Scrooge's office Top of Scene 3, top of page 3 002 Outside of Scrooges Firm to Inside.mp4
v6 p12 Scene 4 Scrooge's street Top of Scene 4, top of page 12.  With lights. This sets up V7 (next).   First we crossfade to the night-time blue buildings.  Then we will pan down the street as we arrive at Scrooge's door. 003 Firm Interior to Street.mp4
v6A p12 Pan to Scrooge's Door As song ends and Scrooge re-enters. This 2nd part of the cue should go as we arrive at Scrooge's door.   Use discretion on when it goes based on the storytelling. Adjust as needed.   004 Street to Scrooges Door - Exterior.mp4
v7 p12 Marley's eyes aflame with green smoke Depending on staging, this will likely happen when Scrooge first encounters the door. The video is 84 seconds long.  It restores on its own. 005 Marley Eyes 2021 Higher More Flames.mp4
005 Scary Marley Eyes 2021.mp4
v8 p13 Crossfade to Scrooge's bedroom. With music as set pieces for the bedroom come onstage. 006 Exterior into Scrooges Home - Interior.mp4
V8A 17 Flames and green smoke as Marley prepares to exit. Marley: "...when the bell tolls one." 006A Marley Hell 48 Seconds.mp4
v9 p18 Scene 5 Animation of star coming down to the window. As music plays and Scrooge sleeps. These two clips are called independently.  Past may need a moment to open the screens and enter. 007 Past Entering 2021.mp4
v9A p18 Restore bedroom after Past enters through the window. When Past is onstage and the screens are closed. 008 Restore Scrooges Room After Past Enters.mp4 A picture containing indoor, ceiling, furniture

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v10 p21 Scene 6 Bedroom crossfades with falling snow into a country road. Top of scene and page. This is a 96 second cue that does well at covering necessary set changes. 009 Scrooges Room into Snowy Country Road.mp4
v11 p23 Crossfade with snow effects into schoolroom Middle of page near end of scene 6: Another gesture from Past, and they travel to another part of the stage as the lights change. This cue should auto-follow into a second video that will then loop.   The second video is continuously looping snow falling outside the windows. There are faster and slower version of this transition included. 10 Snowy Road into Classroom Snow FX 16 Seconds.mp4
011 LOOP - School with Window Snow.mp4
v12 p26 Scene 8 Crossfade with snow effects into Christmas party at warehouse With transition into Scene 8:  "Let us move ahead ten years or so, shall we?" There are faster and slower version of this transition included. 12 Schoolhouse into Fezziwigs Party with Snow FX 16 Seconds.mp4
A sign on a brick building

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v13 p35 Scene 10 Crossfade with snow effects into Wilkins House "Now pay attention, your journey is not yet complete."
Top of page 35 and scene10.
There are faster and slower version of this transition included. 013 Fezziwigs Party into Wilkins House Snow FX 16Seconds.mp4 A picture containing fireplace, living, indoor, fire

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v14 p36 Crossfade with snow effects back to Scrooge's bedroom. She gestures, and PAST, BELLE and WILKINS vanish as Scrooge’s bedroom reappears around him.  There are faster and slower version of this transition included. 014 Wilkins House back to Scrooge Home Snow FX 16 Seconds.mp4
v15 p37 End of
Act I
Crossfade to still image of bedroom dim blue. Intermission Crossfade to still image 015 Intermission.jpg
v16 p38 Top of Act II True version of Scrooge's bedroom Top of Act II Crossfade to still image 016 Top of Act II.jpg
v17 p39 Comet crashes into the fireplace and explodes Top of page 39.
He scrambles to the window, as a comet streaks across the night 
017 Present Entering 2021.mp4
A picture containing outdoor, night, lit, night sky

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v18 p41 Scene 2 Crossfade to night-time streets with snow effects Top of Scene 2 and page 41 as PRESENT bangs his staff 018 into Street Night - with Christmas Present Snow FX.mp4
v18A p41 A moment of magic With a mighty wave of Present’s staff, the men immediately laugh and embrace... This cue is made for a sharp thump or bang on something using the staff.   Snowy whiteout fades quickly into snowflakes. 18A Christmas Present Magic.mp4
v19 p41 Crossfade with snow effects to Cratchit home PRESENT gestures again with his staff, bottom of page  019 into Freds Home with Christmas Present Snow FX.mp4
v20 p47 Scene 3 Snow falling with slow pan of Dickens London at night Top of scene, as I HEARD THE BELLS is sung This does not properly loop, but it is eight minutes long.  Crossfade out of it at any point. 020 Cratchit into Snow Walk in London.mp4
v21 p48 Snow effects crossfade into Fred's house Top of page 48 as Scrooge and Present reach Fred's house This begins with a snowy white-out so it can be cued from any point within the previous video. 021 Snow FX into Freds House.mp4
v22 p55 Scene 4 Slow soft fade to a cold, dark winter street "Come, Scrooge, I need to show you one last thing before I leave you forever. " 021 Freds to Ignorance and Want.mp4 A picture containing cloudy, clouds, dark, day

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v23 p56 Scene 5 Explosive crossfade from street into fog There is an explosion and the Spirit of Christmas PRESENT, laughing mockingly This is a two-part cue.   The first video clip includes audio.  Present explodes as the street transitions into darkness.  Then the cemetery fog fades up. 022 Present Exits with Explosion and audio.mp4
v23A This clip loops and fades up from black immediately after the preceding cue.  (Originally this was a silent crossfade from the street) LOOP Cemetery Fog.mp4
v24 p57 Cold street as two rich men talk Huge thunderclap, as the Spirit points SCROOGE toward another part of the stage.  Still image.  Use a slow crossfade. 023 Street.jpg
v25 p58 We discover Old Joe in a sewer pipe Thunder and lightning as the SPIRIT points to another part of the stage Still image.  Use a slow crossfade. 025 Sewer.jpg A picture containing cloudy, clouds, dark, day

Description automatically generated,A picture containing cloudy, clouds, dark, day

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v26 p60 Moving fog and cemetery. SPIRIT gestures to a body lying on a slab Same as v23.   In 2014, this media included the body on the slab by necessity. LOOP Cemetery Fog.mp4
v27 p60 Cratchit home Another gesture from FUTURE, more thunder and lightning.  Lights come up on a corner of the Cratchit home This is different from the earlier Cratchit image.  The edges are dark and it is not intended to require the fireplace or other set pieces. 027 Cratchits Future.jpg
v28 p62 Crossfade to fog and cemetery Spirit, something tells me that our time together is nearly gone.  Same as v23 LOOP Cemetery Fog.mp4
v29 p63 End of Scene 6 Return to bedroom An enormous clap of thunder and lightning, and the Spirit and gravestone are replaced by Scrooge’s bedroom.  029 Return to Christmas Morning.mp4
v30 p64 Scene 7 Crossfade to London streets exterior He exits his room into the London streets 030 Scrooges Door Exterior Morning.mp4
v31 p68 Scene 9 Outside of Scrooge's firm And Scrooge was early at his office the next morning. 031 Pan to Scrooges Office Door.mp4
v32 p69 Pan back to streets as narrator speaks Narrator: Scrooge was better than his word.  032 Pan Back for Finale and Curtain Call.mp4